Pandemic Meditation
Protect us, Oh Beautiful Universe of Love and Light, this our world of water and wonder
Enlighten and empower us to be responsible for the common good so that we might know how to care for those entrusted to our responsibility
Grant intelligence of the heart-mind to all of us seeking adequate means for the mental and physical well-being of our brothers and sisters
Sustain those who are spending themselves for those in need, even at the cost of their own safety: volunteers, nurses, doctors, and all those on the front lines serving and curing the sick
Bless All with love and light and all those who make themselves exceptional instruments of this love and light and goodness
Let us open our heart-mind connection and allow it to create Harmony among all beings on planet earth – from the youngest to the oldest of beings – to protect us from loneliness and isolation and desperation and from abandonment and discouragement and dis-ease.
Comfort those who are among the most frail, encourage those who falter, intercede for the poor and most vulnerable, connecting all of our hearts so that we can liberate ourselves and the world from every form of pandemic.
May all of our hearts become one.
Pandemic Meditation